
Shinybass journal entry 04-24-14

…and it’s only Thursday…

And isn’t it a lovely  Thursday? I am outside on the grilling deck watching my dogs eat as much grass as they can throw up as the sun gives way to the cool Nashville evening. We are in anticipation of some storms tonight, and good thing – we need some rain around here. My gardening instincts are twitching, yet this year I showed restraint and didn’t plant anything too terribly early. I am tripling my garden size from the last house, so let’s hope the bounty is threefold as well. But then again, just how much lettuce can one rabbit-free family eat?

You may have noticed the new layout of the Shinybass site, and that was the result of two things : My creative juices flowing and my boredom of the old site. There wasn’t anything necessarily bad with the old site, but I just wanted a change. It’s my damn site, right? But seriously – and humbly – tell me what you think. (About the site).

This week has turned out to be nothing short of crazy. Simply crazy. First of all, Happy Belated Easter, and I hope that your bunny or Jesus or whatever was a good one. We went to church with friends, then went to a great picnic – I actually played kickball. For the first time in over 30 years. Yeah, we know how to party.

It was then to bed early, for the next day, Monday was slated to be a full one. You see, I got a call from Billy Ray Cyrus’ people to edit a new video for him. It’s no secret I do freelance work, so I tackled the project with the same as I would any other – first thing in the morning until it’s finished. Except this one wasn’t finished on Monday, and as late as Tuesday afternoon I was still working on it, having spent the better part of 2 days in front of the computer. I finished, BRC was happy, and all is right with the world. Hence the reason I couldn’t journalize Monday morning.

But this week has also been busy on other fronts – I’ve been writing, meeting new folks, catching up with old friends, and getting life together for the busy summer ahead. Phil and Co. have some great shows on the horizon, and I can’t wait to get to some new areas, and towns I have never experienced.

On a personal front, I must thank Eric Dahl from Fox 17 Nashville for having me on his show Wednesday. IK Multimedia is pretty awesome as well for letting me rant about their software and guitar toys. If you missed the show when it aired, you can watch here :


And a big hello and shout out to Hofner guitars for making such great basses!

I’ve had some interesting conversations in the past few days with people looking for a little advice or push in the right direction. I don’t mind giving advice because I hope that people don’t make the same mistakes I have, and then by helping someone, it lights a fire for me to get moving. So giving a little of your time doesn’t cost anything, and guess what? You may get more back than you bargained for.

So who is coming to Wichita next week? Anyone? Anyone? I love being with my family, but I am itching to play some music too loud, sweat a little, and eat some BBQ (there’s ALWAYS BBQ). I look forward to seeing you at some point in our little midwest run next week.

That’s all the news that’s fit to print. Enjoy the weekend, and, as always…

See you on the road!